Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dreamweaver CS5 doesn't load on Mac


When trying to start dreamweaver, the application hangs before the splash screen appears. Here is what I mean by the splash screen.

There is an indicator on the dock that shows the application is open and the menu only displays the Dreamweaver text and nothing else.

And the application just remains in this state for eternity.

Possible Solutions

I found a few possible solution online from https://forums.adobe.com/thread/628554.

- Disable File Vault (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4790)
- Repair Disk Permissions using Disk Utility (Spotlight for Disk Utility or go navigate using Finder and go to Applications->Utilities->Disk Utility

Unfortunately those solutions didn't work for my situation.

Solution that worked for me

I managed to find a solution from https://wordimpress.com/nothing-happens-when-launching-dreamweaver-cs5-on-mac/

1. First quit Dreamweaver CS5 if you have it launched (or kinda launched)
2. Open Finder and navigation to: Macintosh hd/users/your_user_folder/library/application support/adobe/dreamweaver cs5/en-US/
3. Here you will find the folder "configuration". Rename this folder to ‘configurationOld’ and restart Dreamweaver

What this will do is to force Dreamweaver to create that configuration folder again.

Hopefully one of these solutions will work for you. :)